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Thanking our Donors & Volunteers


Site Volunteers

420 volunteers gave more than 10,590  hours to keep FISH up and running in 2022.

These volunteers help at all our sites by helping clients,  stocking shelves, packing produce, unloading trucks, cleaning up coolers and freezers, and much more.


Whether you gave an hour of your time this year or came every week, we appreciate your service.  We could not do all that we do without our volunteers! In fact, we'd need to hire almost 6 people if we did not have our wonderful volunteers.  Thank you!

If you are interested in volunteering, please check out our volunteer page or contact Billie Stevens at


Delivery Volunteers

Thank you to the 20 or so people who faithfully pick up food from various businesses and deliver weekly to our sites.


Gardeners and Growers

Gardeners and growers provided thousands of pounds of fresh produce in 2021!


Fresh produce is a critical part of our mission.  These foods are a healthy addition to meals and help teach children about healthful diets.  Our backyard gardeners and valley growers helped us supply an amazing array of items:  apples, blueberries, squash, carrots, pears, lettuces and kale, cherries, cucumbers, melons, peppers, and more.  


If your garden is producing more than you can eat, freeze, can, or share with friends, consider us a spot where your beautiful produce will help your other neighbors in need.  Thank you!


Donations from Individuals

Every day that we're open, people stop by with donations.  It could be a bag of extra groceries, travel size toiletries from a recent trip, personal hygiene supplies, or "extra" items bought during a grocery sale.   We're open for donations Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:30am to 11am, at our Hood River site.

(541) 386-3474

1130 Tucker Rd, Hood River, OR 97031, USA


Our Mission

The FISH Food Bank mission is to help alleviate hunger by distributing food regularly and on an emergency basis, regardless of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation and in a friendly, instant, sympathetic, helpful, nonjudgmental and confidential manner.


Checks can be made out to "FISH Food Bank."    Mailing Address for Donations by Check: FISH, 1767 12th Street, #147, Hood River, OR 97031  You can download this form to include with your check.


We are a 501(c)3 organization. All donations sent to us will be acknowledged with a receipt.


FISH Food Bank  DEI Statement

Food is an human right and everyone deserves to have nutritious, culturally desirable food.  We affirm the worth and dignity of all people and serve our communities with respect and strive to move closer towards food security.


©2023 by FISH Food Bank.

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